Tuesday, October 2, 2007

ways to be happy


my favorite way to get around bangkok is on a motorcycle-taxi, identifiable from the million other motorcycles by the orange vests the drivers wear. ingenious idea, really, using these zoom-mobiles as taxis. and so, i will actually stand on a sweltering polluted corner for 10 extra minutes, shooing away air-conditioned cabs and colorful rickshaws, in order to catch one.

in addition to the speed factor (traffic here makes my muscles constrict), and the coolness factor (let's be honest), the other main reason i like moto-taxis is because their drivers are generally happier than rickshaw drivers, and are positively ecstatic relative to the taxi drivers.

i theorize that this is because they and they alone can traverse a bangkok block in less than 20 minutes, and so are, in their own mad and kamikaze way, immune to bangkok's near-unbearable traffic problem.

for example, as i write this, i am sitting on a bus which, if it was moving at all, would be heading from bangkok to the island of koh samet. in 25 minutes, we have progressed 1.5 blocks. as i look out in front of me, i see only an impenetrable wall of cars and buses, and it's hard to imagine that i will get anywhere at all this year.

if i was on a moto-taxi, i would be wind at their windows, these pungent, fuming cars, zooming by their collective rumbling with only a few third-degree burns and a mouth full of carbon to pay.

now that's my type of transportation.

that's dejana on a moto-taxi, me trailing behind her, as we zoomed our way from one place to another

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

my style. my man.